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News & Announcements

Lifetouch School Picture Packages

Lifetouch student picture packages were distributed to all homeroom teachers this past week. All students who were ABSENT on Picture Day are scheduled for RETAKES on Wednesday, October 9th. Students that were present and took a picture should have received a package with either pictures or a proof. If you did NOT place an order prior to picture day...your child should have received a package with a PROOF inside. This proof includes a code specific to your child with ordering instructions.

If you wish for your child to have a retake, please return the original picture package marked with the words RETAKE on the envelope.

If you have any questions regarding your package or difficulty placing an order, please contact Lifetouch Customer Service at 866-955-8342.

STM Shoot for the Cougars Scheduled

St. Thomas More Wrestling and St. Thomas More Shooting Sports are joining together once again to host the "Shoot for the Cougars" sporting clay shoot and "Cookin' for the Cougars" anything over rice cook-off fundraisers on October 19th at Wilderness Gun Club in Lafayette. Wow...this sounds like a fun event! If you are interest in participating by would like to be a sponsor, open the links below to learn more and sign up using the QR code!

Girl Scout Troop 804

Representatives will be coming to our campus mid-September to briefly speak with girls Kindergarden-4th about the Girl Scouts. This talk with take up a very brief portion of their PE time. If your daughter(s) are interested in joining or if you would like for your daughter to join, please make plans to attend a registration night meeting on Wednesday, September 25th from 5:30-6:30 in the school library. If there is enough interest, our very own Girl Scout Troop 804 will be formed!

France and Spain - Big Trip Planned!

5th-8th graders invited to journey with us to France and Spain during Easter Break 2025. Open the link below to register for the informational meeting and learn more about the trip!


Our 21st annual Foundation Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, October 7th at Oakbourne Country Club. This one fills up fast and is one of our most popular events! Open link below for more details!

Student Progress Reports

Progress reports for students in 1st-8th grades & REC will be emailed to parents on Wednesday, September 11th. After viewing this report, if you find it necessary to visit with your child’s teacher about grades, please email the teacher and request a conference. -CCS Administration

Allergy Friendly Snack List

Please open the link below to view our approved allergy friendly snack list for our students. Thank you for your support as we continue to provide a safe environment for all of our students.